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July 23, 2011

Oh, the Memories!

In our first year of dating, my dear husband took me for an evening walk on the Oceanside pier and proceeded to sing this song to me. Now, I was already "sold" on his charm and adorableness. But, at this very moment in time, he had me hook, line and sinker. Thanks, babe. Always & Forever.

                                                                        Photo Credit


Niche or Not?

When I decided to start a blog, I did my fair share of Google searches research. One common consensus was choosing a particular subject, such as photography or cooking, etc., in order to capture a certain audience. Now, I really did consider this, for a very long time. I thought about honing in on my frugal skills. Have you seen how many great frugal, money saving, penny pinching blogs there are? Yikes! I would feel like a needle in a haystack. I love baking. I considered sharing my recipes. Until I looked at some of the absolutely beautiful photos on some fancy blogs. Umm, no. I'm more about flavor, not presentation. Probably would have to stamp FAIL on that choice.
So, where does this leave me? Starting a blog without a particular niche. Starting a blog just being me. Writing about the many different things I enjoy. I'm unique. Weird, so my kids often remind me. I'm okay with that. I'm an original, not a copy. And I hope my blog will reflect that. 

Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You. Dr. Seuss


July 19, 2011

Attitude of Gratitude

I am trying.
On a daily basis.
To have an attitude of gratitude.

It isn't always an easy endeavor. Some days I feel like if I pull the string hanging on my hem, that everything will unravel. 
Hanging by a thread. Yep. I so have days like that.

I'm reflecting more on all the blessings that surround me. Trying to take more time to find joy in the midst of trials. So, when something really negative presents itself, I will find the good in it. I will! 

Won't you join me today? What simple joys are you grateful for?

1Thessalonians 5:18

Thank [God] in everything [no matter what the circumstances may be, be thankful and give thanks], for this is the will of God for you [who are] in Christ Jesus [the Revealer and Mediator of that will].


July 07, 2011

When I Grow Up...

When I was in elementary school, I chose my future career. I knew I wanted to be a cosmetologist and that is exactly what I did. I worked in salons for about five years, then went into retail management within the beauty industry. That lasted about 5 years also, until the birth of my first daughter.

My priorities changed drastically. Although it was a major financial sacrifice, I left my career to be a stay at home mom. I absolutely love being at home with my children. I find so much happiness caring for my family. Over the years, I've found ways to bring in extra money. I've had weekend cleaning jobs, worked retail, home daycare, secret shopper, etc. Many things here & there to help pay some bills. 

But...for years I struggled with thoughts of what should I do with my life? What career should I look into? Should I go back to school? I didn't want to, but we're taught go to school, get an education, two-income families do better. Which is perfectly fine, if that's what works for your family. I heard other's opinions. "She needs to get a job." "Her kids aren't better than everybody else's kids, they can go to daycare." And so on.

Who I wasn't listening clearly to was God. He is the very one who made me. He is the very one who gave me this strong, passionate desire to love, care for and nurture my children.Yes, God. I am a slow study. It took me a few years to open my ears.  Am I disappointed to not be climbing the corporate ladder or making a six figure income? No. If you would've asked me that ten years ago, my answer may have been different. But, now I'm perfectly content with being just a stay at home mom! 

Hebrews 13:5

New American Standard Bible (NASB)
Make sure that your character is free from the love of money, being content with what you have; for He Himself has said, “I WILL NEVER DESERT YOU, NOR WILL I EVER FORSAKE YOU.


July 02, 2011

I Would Gather Children

Some would gather money
Along the path of life;
Some would gather roses,
And rest from worldly strife.

But I would gather children
From among the thorns of sin;
I would seek a golden curl,
And a freckled, toothless grin.

For money cannot enter
In that land of endless day;
And roses that are gathered
Soon will wilt along the way.

But, oh, the laughing children,
As I cross the sunset sea,
And the gates swing wide to heaven -
I can take them in with me.

-Author Unknown