We still have our coffee and t-shirt fundraisers active, along with the Paypal link on the sidebar for monetary donations. We won't know our legal fees until we're matched again, but would like to raise about $2500 more to put towards legal. Thank you, again, to all who have donated and purchased from our fundraisers. I believe you've sown seeds into very fertile ground. =)
In other news, we're keeping up with our everyday, crazy, busy schedules to best we can with a family of nine. In a few short months from now, we'll have one daughter completing a degree in graphic design and one graduating from high school. It's amazing how quickly they grow up, but yet I'm so very blessed to be their "mommy". =)
Short and sweet for today, but I'll leave you with this.
Unconditional love from Jesus doesn't fear what others think, doesn't fear the nationality, the kind of clothes or car or house, but only sees the heart of a brother or sister and accepts them right where they are.
(excerpt taken from "Fields of the Fatherless" by C. Thomas Davis)

Wonderful news; I am glad to hear that it went well and you are strong to move forward! We need you to stay around for a while!