I can't even begin to express the adoration I have for this precious family! Jessica shares from her heart below, but catch up with their beautiful family over here and I guarantee you'll adore them, too!
When we first announced to our family and friends that our household was expanding from two children to five the most common expression uttered was something akin to this- "You have 5 children? Why would you say yes to that?" Here's why- Two years ago I had a recurring dream. For nights upon nights I would dream of a little one crying out for mommy. The voice was unknown to me, and honestly I can still replay it in my head. The dream rattled me. The feeling that there was a little child crying out for their parent and hearing no response affected me to the core. One day
with tears streaming down my face I said yes. "Whatever it is Daddy God, whatever children come across our path, my answer is yes." My heart nearly burst as holy approval seemed to rest on those words. That night at home I relayed to my amazing husband the events of the day and proving that he's just as crazy as me- he said yes, too.
Fast forward a few months to see that David, Judah and his twin sister Annika have been added to our family. We've enjoyed glittering family moments as well as a few moments that have prompted less than glittering emotions to be felt. To be honest, some days have been downright terrible. But our yes is still (and will always be) a resounding yes.
Family is an adventure. Is it difficult? Sometimes, yes. But every difficulty is overshadowed by the opportunity to shower love upon precious babes who are in need.
Psalm 98:4 Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth, burst into jubilant song with music

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