Our heart for adoption started long before we even met. I (Amy) grew up around adoption and always felt someday it would be a bigger part of my life. Before we were married we talked about adoption and said maybe someday down the road we would adopt. A few years after we were married we decided to try to have a biological child and ended up struggling with infertility. Then we felt strongly that God’s someday and our someday were not in the same time frame. After lots of prayer we dove into the adoption process. In April 2012, we were matched with a brave expectant mom. We are blessed by our relationship with her. I was even able to go to an ultrasound appointment and spend time with her about a month before baby was due! Then in June, Ella was born and our whole world changed! We fell in love instantly. At that moment, we knew we wanted to adopt again, but we didn’t know when. Our passion grew as God’s heart for adoption became vivid to us. We were shocked to learn there is tremendous need for infant adoptions in the United States. Not long after Ella was born, we started praying about when to adopt our second child. God’s plan was different than ours again! We were blessed with our biological son, Emmett the following year!
Two years later God began to nudge us to pursue adoption again! This spring we really felt God saying “now” in a variety of ways throughout our lives. And once again God’s plan was more than we could have imagined! About a month after we started the waiting for ‘the call’ phase of our journey, we were shocked to find out we were matched…and the expectant momma is carrying twins! Our twin boys are due the beginning of February 2016. We are so excited to meet them!
I'm so excited to see this family grow! Follow their story here and you'll also find fundraising links to help bring the twins home!

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