The last post I wrote was wrapping up the end of a school year. And, poof! Summer came and went. One trip to see family in North Carolina is all we squeezed in before the new school year began. We are now back in high gear with 2 college student schedules, 1 middle school, 1 elementary and 2 preschool. I now have a HUGE desk calendar and I shall do my very best attempt at keeping up with everyone. The first week was a success. I didn't forget anyone or leave anyone stranded. ;)
Our area has just dodged a major storm, but we're remaining prayerful for those in the path of Hurricane Isaac.
In adoption news, a few changes have occurred over the last couple months. The wonderful agency we've been working with has decided to close. We're getting refocused on this journey and hope to share more news soon. Our fundraising efforts are still if place and if you feel you'd like to help us, check out one of our sidebar links.
I leave you with one of my favorite quotes. =)
"If God is calling you to take a step of faith that defies
earthly wisdom, put obedience first and let logic catch up. If
you can't understand the why, trust the WHO." UNK